Look for dark green to nearly black skin with a bumpy texture. A ripe avocado yields to gentle pressure without feeling mushy.
Look for a bunch that is still a greenish color and allow them to ripen at their destination. They should be firm, without bruised or black spots. Storing bananas with apples will
Field Melons
Choose a melon that is heavy for its size and has a hollow sound when tapped. For honeydew, look for a semi-dull exterior, as a shiny exterior is a sign that it is underripe. Canta
A perfect pineapple will have a bright, fresh appearance with green leaves and a firm texture with a small amount of give. The bottom of the pineapple will emit its signature scent
Unlike other fruits, strawberries do not continue to ripen after they are picked. Therefore, it's best to choose bright red berries that are ready-to-eat.