Look for firm, bright fruit free of nicks and bruises. Its shelf life can be extended to up to six months when stored in ideal conditions: between 30°F and 40°F with high humidit

Though they become softer, apricots do not continue to ripen once they are picked. Its skin should be a bright sunburst of orange, red, and gold free of wrinkles, cuts, or bruises.

Look for a bunch that is still a greenish color and allow them to ripen at their destination. They should be firm, without bruised or black spots. Storing bananas with apples will

The quality of an ear can be checked without removal of the husk. The husk should be bright green and tightly wrapped around the ear. Gently squeeze to feel for plump and plentiful

Choose a melon that is heavy for its size and has a hollow sound when tapped. For honeydew, look for a semi-dull exterior, as a shiny exterior is a sign that it is underripe. Canta