Hello to all you very important Dupré team members.
You are all on my mind as we go through this challenging time together. You are our greatest treasure, our most important asset, and the face of the Dupré brand. In this brief message, I’ll address 4 key ideas that are related to how we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
First, your health and your loved ones health are most important. Take care of yourself and your family. Pay attention to what your body is telling you: fever, cough, difficulty breathing are signs you should stay home and check in with your medical provider. Now is the time to practice social distancing and good hygiene with a focused discipline.
Second, as always, your local manager is your point of contact to address matters concerning customer or company issues and/or questions. I ask you to have some patience as your local manager may not be able to immediately give you an answer, given this unprecedented event. Your manager will try to find the answer as quickly as possible and get back to you. Respect, trust, and communication are key for any business relationship to be productive. Let’s all commit to treat each other the way we want to be treated.
Third, we all need to take personal responsibility to adhere to processes, procedures, practices, and rules that are designed to protect our health. We are being asked to change our behavior for a period of time so we can reduce the impact of this virus. In addition to personal responsibility, effective teamwork is key to overcoming this challenge. Help others as you can, create value for others in a safe and healthy manner.
And fourth, remember we have overcome unthinkable situations in our past: hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, recessions, and terrorist attacks. These can be scary times and sometimes our minds go to worst case scenarios. Reach out in a safe and healthy manner if you feel overwhelmed. Family members, friends, and business partners are sources of comfort and care.
You are strong and you will make it through this – however together, we are all stronger! We will pull together, travel together through these trying times and come out stronger on the other side! Stay safe and protect your health.
Reggie Dupré

CEO Dupré Logistics